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Easter Reflections

Updated: Aug 16, 2022



How wonderful the sight…

To see the King no more in his bloodied, ripped and spit-soaked garment

To see that His Power was not a myth nor was His Identity a lie

To see Him rise into a home that we will soon be joining Him in

How wonderful the knowledge…

To know that He is for us

To know that He has paid the fee for a restored relationship with Him

To know that He receives us all and makes us who He destined us to be

To know that no matter who we are, we can become His children

How wonderful the life….

To live without condemnation no matter the past

To live with God in and with us no matter our status or title

To live with His joy overflowing in us no matter our temperament

To live waiting for our reunion with the King

How wonderful it is to be loved by the Most High God, and to be redeemed by Him!

How wonderful it is to live on the side of the Man who cannot can never lose!

How wonderful it is to be filled with His joy and gladness- free from the wages of our sin!

And how wonderful it is, that because of His Victory we can go through each day, face every challenge and stand every storm in victory too!

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” -Jesus

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Wonderful ❤️

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