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Dear Almighty God,

I love how You hold my hands when I stretch out

I love how You walk up to me and tell me I am beautiful; even though the voices of my past portray an ugly life

I love how You’re interested in me

Even though I’m still sewing my kaftan of righteousness, You don’t push me away

I love Your Smile

The wink You give me when I stand firm for Your Name

I love how You love me

How you ride to my rescue every time with a sense of urgency- anytime I’m kidnapped by my fears or drowned in my tears

You are the Almighty God!

The letters of Your Name make demons fly!

Your Tears shake the ground!

Your Roar makes the thunder shy!

And You crumble the giant walls of man’s construction with faith and a sound!

No man can rise against your servants, let alone You!

If You were ever guilty for anything, it’s because You’re forever true!

And with all Your Power, You still thought of me

The world judged my past, but you looked past my shame

When I thought I was all alone, You called my name

And then You shed Your Blood so that there’ll be no distance between You and my heart- for which you came

Even though I put myself in the cage of sin, You took my punishment

That I wasn’t even dragged out like I deserved, but I walked free

You don’t just calm my stormy seas, but You walk with me on them

Even in the deep waters, You don’t let me drown

We gave You a crown of thorns but You promised us a golden one

Herh God! You dey bee!

So I choose to hold your hand

Because You can be trusted

You’re the iron that sharpens me

And You’ll never get rusted

I seek You first

Not to worry about anything, but to make request

To be wrapped in Your Arms

That with all the bustle of this world, I can still feel Your Breath

I give myself to You to be Your precious boy

That even when the world saddens You, I’ll bring You joy

Groom me everyday Father

So that whether I’m in the spotlight or the shadows, I’ll still look like You

Because a sincere relationship with You

Is a relationship that YOU approve

Thank You for not leaving me in my mess

Thank You for being my goal and urging me to press

Dear Almighty God, I’m convinced;

I’ve found Love, because I found You

So till forever and whenever

I want You to see You in me

Living live the life and being the child You desire to see

Dear Almighty God,

I love You

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