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Updated: Jul 22, 2021

This story shouldn’t have turned out like it did, but it did. Ella really forced in church. She wasn’t just a typical good girl, but she did her best to be as genuine as she could- before God and man. She still had a few “weaknesses”, but she was working on them.

This was the painful part. Her integrity and hardwork caught the eye of her church leaders. They commended her day and night for her dedication and service to the Lord. They were utterly convinced that God considered her a faithful servant; in fact, I did too. Soon, she was cleaning the office of the pastors, babysitting their children and even handling their valuables. The clouds started “darkening” around her life when her good deeds met a wolf under sheep skin- Mr. Kumah. I don’t know how it started, I don’t know how they became very close, but that afternoon, the wolf had its day.

When I saw her leave Mr. Kumah’s house, she did so in “steady haste”. It was if she was trying to balance leaving the place very quickly while not drawing attention to herself. It was just coincidence that I happened to be at the polytank near his house at that time. If it was not that I couldn't leave the drinking glasses I was washing, I would have rushed to speak to her.

At that moment though, I wasn't aware of the happenings until one night after prayer meeting I passed behind her as she was speaking to Mary, her close friend. Ella was so distraught. Tears were not just streaming down but they seemed to be washing her face like rain on the windscreen of a car. “I can’t believe this Mary! All my life trying to do my best for God. I don't think I can ever rise again. Maybe my parents will believe me, but what about my future? My husband and children? It’s not that I brought it upon myself too oh!” Her words pierced my heart and sprung a sudden anger that made me determined to take this case to the zenith of authority. He must suffer! He must pay!

Like an answer to my prayer, Ella’s parents took the case to the church executive council. Ella was still enveloped in her depression and gloom. Mr. Kumah was taken to the Head Pastor’s office to receive his “charges”, but it still didn’t fix Ella. After the evil man walked out of the office, the Head Pastor asked me to bring Ella in. He got up from his swivel chair and moved to sit by us in the couch.

“Ella, it’s so unfortunate this happened. I won’t even try to pretend that my words will console you. Nevertheless, I will tell you this: you are still God’s treasured jewel. Even when we deliberately commit atrocious sins, He is ready to wrap us in His Arms again; how much more now? God still loves you, and His promises for you were not based on your works, or your strength, but on His Word- and it never fails! It might take time to heal, but I want you to know that God can wipe you totally clean, spic and span.”

Forging a cute smile on her face, she turned to him and hugged him tightly.

“I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake and I will not remember your sins.”

Isaiah 43:25

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