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There is no doubt that God’s love is the best

A love experienced under His wings or resting in His nest

To those who haven’t even had a tot, to even be drunk in His Spirit

Here’s a little glimpse

It’s not human to understand God’s mind for man

To create a living being to serve Him;

And then include the choice not to

For which scientist spends years to create an all efficient robot?

And at the end of all the hard work,

Gives it a button to change the program

Which cook spends effort on a rice recipe?

And when the rice thinks it’s something else,

Allows the cereal to join the legume family

Yet the Creator never leaves it nor rejects it

It’s so clear from the notes in the manual

When the Manufacturer lets you know

How wonderful and fearful the product has been made

Which shepherd leaves 99 white wool skins for a muddy one?

And when He returns with it, feasts it with a fattened calf

Who bears the deserter on His shoulders?

Even though it deserves to be dragged

They say with your heart beating you’re living

And to live is simply to experience life

But the fact is that without Him we’re just existing

Walking about with our hearts stabbed with sin’s knife

When I fear, my Lion roars

When my mind is troubled, He covers me with wings like doves

He is everything I need Him to be

Because He’s promised that I am the child He loves

There is no doubt that God’s love is the best

A love experienced under His wings or resting in His nest

To those who haven’t even had a tot, to even be drunk in the Spirit

You haven’t lived till you’ve met Love yet

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