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Updated: Feb 6, 2021

Who can love like God? No one can. Such Love with no conditions. But we can attain that Love, in fact we must. We can’t limit our love, because love is not a feeling.

We can feel anger for the people we love; and still love them. We often lose out on the beautiful things that God has set before us because we choose not to see them. I say choose, yes, because with a beautiful family we could still hide away. With wonderful friends we could remain depressed. With provision we could still be ungrateful. We could let our siblings work through their own pain in their injury just because we don’t feel like it. We could eat all the cake when others haven’t just because we don’t feel like being good; sometimes claim to be tired of it. We could “bluetick” a friend because we don’t feel that “vibe”.

Jesus obviously won’t feel like dying when He saw what the world had become. Even worse when they spat, mocked, “thorned”, lashed and pierced Him. Yet He makes us understand that Love isn’t a feeling, even though it has them. Such that even through the anger you can carry your mother’s bag when she comes from work. You can sit beside your brothers and their toys. You could listen to the woes of a friend. You could pray. You could forgive. This Love towards both God and man, and God has deserved this love for far too long.

Brethren, Love. For he that loveth not, knoweth not God, for GOD IS LOVE. Love people. Love your life in Christ. Real love. True love. We can be like our Father, and we should.

For God so loved the world that He didn’t want us to perish. Show that Love.

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