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Kpre! Kpr3!

Updated: Feb 6, 2021

" "Owwwww!" It was so unfortunate. The lights were out again; just before anything could be set in motion. Though, it was not the first, and I wondered if it'll be the last... A continuous kpre, kpr3, on and off system..."

This will sound like the plight of a Ghanaian citizen being disturbed by the fantabulous ECG, but it's interestingly not just that. I believe if you check very well, you'll find the Holy Spirit enduring this in certain hearts. Is it yours? You know best.

Present your body as a living sacrifice... and I'll add a personal note; a sweet fragranced one. Give Him an urge to want to choose your heart over heaven. Make the Holy Spirit luxuriously comfortable. And you can do this; For His Grace is sufficient for you, and His strength is made perfect in your weakness. So clean up and glow up, cause God's not done with you yet!

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