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Updated: Oct 13, 2020

The future me

Is who I decide to be

Whether rain or shine

It doesn’t affect my frequency

Failure is just a spice

To add some variety

I’ll get there with attitude, hardwork and even humility

I stand for what is right

No matter how hard the fight

The guns of mockery aimed at me by girls and boys

They'll put no fear in me; they'll face me looking like toys

Today you see me sweating, breaking my back with a water tank

But by the time you realize, I'll be making deposits into the World Bank

I'll keep adding value to myself

I’ve got to be the best

The idea is to BE rich

Not to look like Kanye West

I’ve stopped being a recluse

I’m done with the life of excuse

The riches I have in God

There’s nothing I can lose

I won’t stay satisfied

I'll fight on and won’t be petrified

So I'll think!

I'll ask the why and make the how

But I'll be patient in the process;

Because before we got the milk we had to understand the cow

You may be in generation X, Y or Z; but we’re stuck to comfort so much, we’re afraid to put in effort. Afraid that our faces are too different and our hearts, too lenient. Forgetting that we are a beautiful work of art. That it’s not only what’s in the head, but also what’s in our heart. Forgetting that the world turns its back on us because we are too bright to be looked at. My worth is not in the number of likes I can get. It’s not in the filters I use to cover my insecurity. My worth is in my new birth; the new life God gave me. I learn from what I was, believe in what I am and fight for what I want to be. I know I’m not weird, just different. I’m going to be the best! I’m going to be bold! Whether I work in the bank or my office has been sold. I give to the world without thinking of reciprocity. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. I’m no longer fighting for crumbs; I’m making my own buffet. I don't end at reading books about people but I write my own story. I don’t fail; I learn. Emancipated to be unabated. Not waiting for chance or a soothing wind to blow through, I fight the storm; with the rainbow in mind.

And I know that whatever I might have been, whatever the world chooses to see. It doesn’t hold me from the top; because I am Me.

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