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Big Demon: It's starting!

Small Demon: What is?

Big Demon: The regret. The desire to repent. James wants to go back.

Small Demon: Ei! But we can't let that happen or?

Big Demon: Of course not! We might not be able to lure him back in, but we can prevent him from going.

Small Demon: Ouuu... How?

Big Demon: Chains. Anytime he gets the urge to go back, he'll only be able to go so far.

Small Demon: That's a fantastic idea! That way, we can keep doing our things. We're making those shackles using his past right?

Big Demon: Exactly so! We're going to make him fear the thought of breaking the hearts of the people he respects. The shock his parents will have when they know what he's been doing. The eyes he'll get from his church mates. The pain that he had wasted so much time. We'll make him fear the light and like the dark because he'll think his sins will be hidden.

Small Demon: I'll replay his mistakes along with some of the messages he's heard in church too, hehe, for an even bigger guilt combo.

Big Demon: That's my boy!

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