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Big Demon: We are doing so well. Master says I get a week off torment duty to go relax on earth.

Small Demon: Ow. When will I get some?

Big Demon: Soon my boy, soon.

Small Demon: So, what next?

Big Demon: We bring in the big guns.

Small Demon: Ouuuu. I have an idea! Let's get him invited to a party and get him to get lost in the fun, and then boom! We do our things.

Big Demon: Just look at that. That's one of the oldest tricks in the book! Besides, he has too strict parents, it won't work. Think harder.

Small Demon: Hmmmm.

Big Demon: While you think, make him more lazy. We can't risk a rejuvenation. Keep him under our feet.

Small Demon: Sure. I'll be back.

Big Demon: Hmmmm. What can we do to this boy that won't rather backfire and bring him back to his senses?

That's it!! How could it escape me so quickly. Yoo!

Small Demon: I'm comingg!! What's up?

Big Demon: Get him to open his browser. Speed up the network to the highest bandwidth and lowest latency.

Small Demon: On it!

Big Demon: It's about to go down.

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