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Corn Dough Diaries SE01 ep.3

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Corn Dough Diaries.

A day of mist. Upcoming event; lust.

God was nothing but a deity to me- a big old Man who was praised on Sunday and worshipped during family devotion. I couldn't feel HIm. I just respected Him and nothing more. But it was more than a feeling, when Yaa Baawa sat by me and stroked my condensed afro: unshaken by any comb since birth. Fairly tall. Light skin. Dark afro with starry eyes. She was a wonder to behold. Her eloquence demanded attention from all those around her. Her fingers could tickle away all the annoyances of the day, and I always looked forwar to our meeting under the tree. It was love at first touch. No one melted my stony and cruel heart like she did. Upon completion of St. Matthews Senior High, all we could fantasize was college life- a place our love could be free. We hadn't gotten there yet, but we could picture it. Freedom; a word missing from my dictionary. We were going to have more room to "cement" our relationship. I love her, I think. At least I tried to lock my heart to every other girl; and so far there was no conflict. I wondered what the rough times of a relationship in marriage Maami spoke of. A signboard to ward us off? So it seemed. This was not the first of their "elderly advice" lectures. I had already jumped over the fence, unafraid of any hazard. Then the time finally came. A week to university. A door almost opened. The keys were already in my hands; almost there.

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