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Corn Dough Diaries SE01 ep.16

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Corn Dough Diaries. A rainy night. Location; memory lane. It's funny how important rain is to a corn miller. More growth for the corn. That night, looks like it gave more growth to my spirit. I've come a long way. The son of a corn miller, and a man I never met. I've hit the grades and been the model for other children in the village. I've destroyed Yaa's school life, fought for God -for a while - and I've deceived my mother. It's took weeks to my graduation, and I don't feel like moving on. I wish I could remould the dough of my life; bake it fresh again. There was a knock on my room door. Friends were out, so I opened it. A letter in a "browned" envelope. But the handwriting was familiar. I opened it.

"To my true love,

Hello Nana Odo. How is school? I've tried to come and visit so many times but haven't been able to. I'm sure by the time the letter gets to you, I would see your face. I just want to tell you not to fear. I love you very much, even when your uncle's hint that you might be causing trouble. I believe in you because you are my son. Make sure we meet in heaven okay. And remember 1 John 3:1. The world doesn't know the love He has for us. If you don't meet me at home, know that I'm going to discuss your sleeping arrangements with Angel Gabriel. We'll be waiting for you dear.




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