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Corn Dough Diaries SE01 ep.13

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Corn Dough Diaries. Broken. Those dark braids. That deceiving girl. I sat in my room, crying. I looked at the wall and saw my mother's last birthday picture; beautiful but old. I could imagine her disappointment seeing me in that lounge. The devil will not let me be. He washed my mind of the sinful night, and played all my targets and blissful days for God. My heart ached. It seemed like He was gone. First Yaa. Now Denise. Why? I tried to forget God, and get lost in life. Free venturing into all it's exploits. My heart wasn't healed just frozen. My fees held out. Ko! Na! Fa! I'm my own boss. More adventures with Denise, put my knife to some use and I continued controlling my life ..... Or so I thought.

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