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Corn Dough Diaries SE01 ep.10

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Corn Dough Diaries. Yeast-isized. Status; rising. I was changed. My focus was sharpened, confidence heightened. If anyone was to make my Old Man proud, I'll make His happiness undefined. I'll be the son He can come down for. The human He breathed more life into with no regret. I was going to do Evangelism with no shame. A life for more lives or? The fire had just been kindled. Yaa was in my past, dumped like I would drop a mouse I just picked.... Hard! My exploits were over, the urge was for my God. No more a deity, my friend. I'm not going to disappoint Him. Be active in church, pray everyday, fast every week. Man, I could melt metal if I touched it. God was going to get the value for the heart He gave me..... Or so I thought.

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