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Black Nights

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

Another day in the sun. Another game in the sand. Two goals in the net and joy in my heart. But let's go to where the story started.

I passed by that beautiful estate a number of times. I heard that an old man lived there and we once did too. But I couldn't go near there cause I couldn't fit in; that the old man wouldn't even have any use for me even as a servant, let alone guest. With a boring life as mine, I tried to find ways to add excitement. I didn't have all the equipment and furnishings like others did, but I couldn't just sit and wait for Santa to find my name in his "good" list. I used to see this guy though, in the estate. Every time our eyes will meet, he would wave but in embarrassment I would run off.

I couldn't continue like this, and so I decided one day that I was going to clean myself up very well and go and see him. For a place like that, it would require more than just a typical Sunday cleaning. I had set this objective, but my life continued pretty much the same way. Well not until I met Devilar; well, one of his friends actually. We just bumped into each other one night and the following events were quite fun actually. It was through that friend I was introduced to Deville himself, whom I heard was the leader of the "fun squad." The sequence followed; games, movies, snacks. Very soon. I spent more time in his house than I did in mine. I was amazed as to how he was in an adjacent neighborhood, but I quickly ignored the thought. I met more of his friends; just like my heart found more of the friends of his pleasure.

White powder. "Adventures" in his room. They started coolly at first, but soon I was being tormented by them. I remembered my planned appointment at the estate, and by this time my heart just ached. Every time I tried walking out I'd hear, "Where are you going? It's better you're found dead than you're exposed", "look how you've dirtied yourself," "all the warnings they gave you, and you couldn't do better", "No one will ever look at you the same way" and even "I wonder what use you could be put to again." Every night just got worse; their pleasure became my pain. I really wanted to get out, but somehow I felt more afraid that being in the light will be worse than hiding in the shadow. I felt like their toy now, more than a friend; and soon I felt that the only way to get out was into the grave.

Yet one night, with my body weak on the floor as usual and Deville and his friends laughing. there was a knock on the door. Then there was a second, but with their hearing being drowned in their laughter, they heard nothing. Then there was a loud "brackk!" sound and a figure stood in the doorway- the "guy". I felt like a victim in one of those Rambo movies, and I'm pretty sure he felt like Superman. But he didn't fight. He just said, "Let him go." Clearly this guy doesn't know how it's done. And even more surprisingly, they just let me go, and the door shut behind me. I started running, but thinking twice about how selfish this was, I slowed down. Just as I turned back, I saw the "guy" walking out with cuts and bruises on him. "Why did you come here? And what did they do to you?" I asked.

"My Father sent me," He responded/

"But you don't know me," I quipped.

He smiled, "More thank you know." He handed me a little slip.




"And I love you, a lot," and He winked. My smile stretched from cheek to cheek, then He pointed forward, towards the estate. "Shall we?" I nodded vigorously.

We walked on, and there I saw it. On his white jersey, printed in gold, His name...


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