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Updated: Apr 30, 2021

If you watched the movie titled “Harold’s life”, you’ll easy get bored. Why? I could be classified as a “good” boy, and the scenes of my existence barely varied. I considered myself a dedicated “regular” Christian. I hardly ever missed the fulfillment of my religious duties and I highly esteemed myself for that. Yet I wasn’t getting any juices from them. I wasn’t really getting any “special” meaning from reading the Scriptures, or any visions when I prayed. I will just follow the principles I had been taught, fast on some occasions and then memorize the Scriptures.

I felt that my life was good enough. I would make it to heaven. I would not stress too much about “excessive” and “rigorous” church activities. Cheley, I was just there you barb. Even telling this story makes me feel like sleeping. But God changed that.

While I thought that the movie had been finished, He was working behind the scenes. He directed all the characters in the story to help me. He changed the angle of my view, and even though He’s still doing the editing, I like what I’m seeing.

You don’t really understand yeah? The life became wow, mhmm. I didn’t have to think about reasons to do the things I did anymore, or draw motivation from building a "spiritual" reputation. I didn’t just pray and read the Word for activity sake any more, but I was enjoying it. I liked the feeling of not just being a distant worshipper, but have my hand being held by the Almighty I served.

I’m still learning the script though. The editing is also still ongoing. Some scenes are beautiful; others, quite dull. Yet my Director is too good. I am not really on point like that, but I’ll urge you to watch out for the coming episodes. 3… 2… 1… ACTION!

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Kvng Moses
Kvng Moses
Aug 05, 2021

Even with this alone I think you are off to a great start. God bless you bro..🙏

Barima Mensah
Barima Mensah
Sep 09, 2021
Replying to

God bless you too bro!

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