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A Piece At A Time

The ant has been titled as one of the most intelligent living species on the face of this earth. Even though it suffers the same ordeals as we do and even worse, it doesn’t stop.

A piece at a time. This has been the strategy of the ant ever since its existence. Every ant will pick its piece of its maximum capability- a bread crumb, a soil lump, prey flesh- and move it to where the job would be finished. No one looks at what the other is doing but completes his task as well as possible. No one stops to even breathe. Nevertheless, each ant creates a conducive system for the productivity of the other. This is noticeable in the trails they leave, teamwork, etc. The ant will carry his piece over and over till the assignment was completed.

Man sits in a loophole of problems with no sign of solution not because he can’t work, but because he doesn’t. Souls lay waste on the field because everyone is looking at the magnitude of the work, not its urgency. Every man could work on the field one piece at a time, one soul at a time, not really concerned about about the achievements or failures of another worker; yet supporting each other to work better. Teenagers would stop procrastinating and burning the fuel of their youth in the drives of social media and lust. Married people would not use their families as excuses, but will run with them. Businessmen would stop daydreaming about mega sponsorships and feed one mouth at a time.

The work is not completed not because we don’t have people to do it, but because those people aren’t doing it. The laborers indeed are few, but are not zero. Laborers who might slow down when discouraged but not stop; till death do them part.

Can the church talk to an old granny on her dying bed? Could 16 year olds design “Jesus loves you” for the various boys playing with the rusted cans on the street? Can a father teach his children how to have their devotion?

A piece at a time. May the bride be made beautiful again; building itself for the Groom’s coming. We will not stop… till our bones are rotten.

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